The Pantry
Storing fruit and vegetables the right way. While essential in earlier days, it has all but disappeared in modern households: the pantry. The archetype pantry picks up the zeitgeist of today’s society and is brought back to life in the form of a new product.
Ethylene is a gas that makes certain fruits and vegetables ripen faster. The pantry uses this synergy effect: Three modular, stackable maple boxes provide an ideal storing and ripening space in every modern household. The lowest level is for foods that are intended for longer storage and should be kept in a dark place. The middle shelf provides space for produce known to be ethylene dispensers such as apples and pears. The ethylene can rise through openings in the floor of the top shelf, allowing the fruit and vegetables stored there to ripen in an undisturbed way.
Die unterste Etage dient Lebensmitteln, die für eine längere Lagerung gedacht sind und das Dunkle bevorzugen. Die mittlere Etage bietet Platz für Ethylenspender, wie Äpfel und Birnen. Durch Öffnungen im Boden der obersten Etage, kann das Ethylen aufsteigen. So kann Obst und Gemüse, das sich dort befindet, in aller Ruhe nachreifen.
Field of work — product design
Client — self-initiated
Year — 2018
Production — Tischlerei Bereuter
Photo — Anna Sarcletti
Web — The Pantry